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International - Non-Canadians Living in OVERSEAS


This application form is for Non-Canadians living in Overseas who require a police check from another country.

In some cases, we may also be able to process clearances from other countries on your behalf. These processes do change from time to time.

For example, an Indian citizen who is living in New Delhi is applying for immigration to Canada. You have lived in China before and need a police clearance from China where you worked or studied previously.  

Simply complete the on-line application and submit it to us so that we can evaluate your situation. For INTERNATIONAL applications, there is no charge to submit your application for evaluation. You will be advised by e-mail whether we are able to complete your international police clearance or not and application service fees according country by country.



Please select your status while you stay at the country:*
Where Should the Results Be Sent?
If you choose 'A Third Party' above, please Enter The Following Information...
Please Note: To send the results to either the Canadian Fingerprint Agency, or to a third party, we will require you to fill out a consent form.
Do you attest that the information that you've entered on this form is complete and true?*
Proof of Identity
Please attach two scan valid ID listed below:*