Copyright © 2003-2024 Canadian Fingerprint Agency All Rights Reserved

International - Non-Canadians Living in CANADA


This application form is for non - Canadians living in Canada who require a police check from another country. For example, an Indian citizen who is applying for Permanent Residency in Canada and need a police clearance from China where he worked previously.  

The individual should book an appointment on-line to obtain their fingerprints at our office. Paper fingerprints will be provided depending on the requirements for the overseas government (China for this example).

If the applicant requires our assistance to submit their fingerprints and their application to Chinese authorities for their police clearance, this should be discussed with us prior to your appointment.

Please select your status while you stay at the country:*
Where Should the Results Be Sent?
If you choose 'A Third Party' above, please Enter The Following Information...
Please Note: To send the results to either the Canadian Fingerprint Agency, or to a third party, we will require you to fill out a consent form.
Do you attest that the information that you've entered on this form is complete and true?*
Proof of Identity
Please attach two scan valid ID listed below:*